As our first stop on Day 6 of our epic Pacific Coast Highway roadtrip, we drove left Eureka, California and drove through Leggett, checking out some super cool attractions within the Redwood forests.

The drive itself is breathtaking. The windy roads amidst the massive trees are a sight to see all on their own

Our first stop was the One Log House, a house literally made out of one log from a Redwood.

The door to the house was crazy – it’s wild to keep seeing how massive these trees can get.

Next up we stopped at the drive-thru tree, which is quite literally, a tree that you can drive through. I was a little nervous that it would only work for small cars, but a MASSIVE SUV went through before us and made me feel a lot better about trying. It was a little scary, but the car fit through! After you exit the tree, they have a super cute little gift store that has a bunch of Redwood themed items. We bought a mini Redwood tree to bring back and plant in our house!

After our final Redwood experience, we got back on the road to head to our second city of the day, Fort Bragg, to see the Glass Beach.

Along the way we continued on some super beautiful windy roads, but be careful, there are a ton of deer wandering about! We turned a couple of corners and were surprised by small families of them. Luckily you can’t really go more than like 25 mph because of how twisty the small road is – quite the experience!
Make sure to check out our fill Pacific Coast road trip itinerary here!